classes & workshops


What’s On!


This friendly group meets every month at locations in and around Whittlesey. It is designed to give women the safe, non judgemental space they need to really be themselves and drop their everyday labels. Each month we start with gathering together, refreshments and sometimes a grounding meditation. Then we have an activity or guest speaker to enhance our knowledge or try something new. We gather again to finish,  allowing us to share any thoughts about the session, or life in general and think about what we are taking away with us. Over the next few months in 2024 we have a cacao ceremony, wellness walk, journalling, learn to crochet, Christmas crafts, wreath making with foraging and heritage wool to be confirmed.   All members will be encouraged to have a go at activities or contribute to discussions but there is absolutely no pressure. It is a chargeable but non-profit making group with one space available for a bursary if a woman would like to come but can’t afford the cost, completely confidential, no questions asked. All ages over 18 welcome.Booking is essential please.

Itinerary 2024

Jan 27th Saturday Self Care Plan with empowerment coach Julie Randall. St Andrew’s Hall 3-5pm

Feb 20th Tuesday Mini Moon Circle with Maria Anna Magic. Coates Hall 6.30-8.30pm

March 23rd Saturday. Soap Making with Katie. St. Andrew’s Hall. 3-5pm

April 17th Wednesday. Style Consultant. Lucy Barrett. Poppy’s Coffee Shop. 6.30-8.30pm

June 2nd Sunday. Wellness Walk along the Green Wheel to the Chalkboard for breakfast. 8am start.

June 25th Tuesday. Mini Cacao Ceremony with Tasha from Lotus and Lion. Coates Hall 6.30-8.30pm

July 27th Saturday. Journalling with Amy from Miss A.M.I. St. Andrew’s Hall 3-5pm.

August TBC

September 26th Thursday. Plant Medicinal Wellbeing. Jeni & Karen Cross Drove Coates 6.30-8.30pm

October 26th Saturday. Learn to crochet. Oh! Sew Caroline. 2-5pm

November 30th Saturday. Christmas crafts. St. Andrew’s Hall 3-6pm

December 18th Wednesday. Wreath Making Extravaganza. Coates Hall. 6.30-9.30pm


After the unfolding of the year and the heady, busy days of Summer connect back to your reflective self and allow peace and stillness in this most nourishing of spaces. Prepare yourself for the busy yet quiet months to come by allowing time for your frantic mind to quieten as space is gently held for you.

Come and join us as we gather to give ourselves space and permission to delve into what has already gone this year, what our learnings are from these experiences and what we wish to take forward on our journey into next year and beyond.

Expect beautiful, guided meditation, journalling, nourishing lunch and snacks, space to think, movement and sound to bring ourselves back into our bodies and ceremonial release of what no longer serves us. All of this in the tranquil setting of ‘The Field of Healing’ at Bythorn, surrounded by nature, ensconced in a yurt with optional labyrinth walking all included.

Move through optional exercises to allow you to process, let go and step into what is current for you now, whilst the log burner keeps us cosy and snug in our little sanctuary of complete peace and healing.