about us


Holistic Haven

The holistic Haven was formed to help people live the lives they want to without the hindrance of annoying and sometimes downright harmful behaviours and thoughts holding them back. Have you ever noticed that sometimes there is a huge block in your life around certain things/people or a seemingly irrational fear that you have perhaps just accepted as part of your make up or you think that it is something you just can’t change? Think again!  Intuitively using all the techniques available to me transformational change is possible for you.


What do we offer?


Hypnotherapy is an age old therapy, using complete relaxation of the mind and body to bypass the conscious mind and truly get to the root cause of where any problems may be manifesting themselves.

Indian Head Massage

Using beautiful essential oils, this treatment focuses on the upper back, shoulders, neck, face and scalp, It is based on the healing system that uses the upper chakras. It enables us to feel balanced, relaxed and refreshed.

Neuro-linguistic programming

This is a group of techniques and understandings using the conscious and unconscious mind to ethically bring about a state which allows you to move forward and make change happen.

Katie Dullea

Always remember that change is possible. Our brains are hard wired to protect us and very often revert back to a default setting that is no longer appropriate to the situation you find yourself in now. Sometimes we just need to recalibrate slightly to allow our brain to function optimally and with a definite outcome in mind. The skills that I impart on my clients allow them to do that with much more ease than trying to just keep ploughing through the issues on their own. You can expect  professional yet friendly, intuitive sessions dedicated to resolving any problems you are facing in life. To get started just book a consultation or a 30 min free discovery call today.