What do you need today?

find your

inner peace



The areas below are not a complete breakdown of things I can help with but are some of the most asked about problems for people . Every course of sessions is completely designed to your own individual needs, so you don’t have to fit in a box making everything very flexible and therefore hugely effective . I can help with any problem that may be facing you but ultimately we work as a team as I give you powerful tools, everyday strategies or releases and support you on your own journey. You would be pleasantly  surprised at what I can, and actually have worked with achieving great success for clients.

Get in touch and book a free 30 min discovery call today and let’s chat over how I can help you.


It is true that anxiety affects all of us at times in our lives, it’s whether the associated feelings and emotions that go with it are manageable or are they starting to tip the balance in a negative direction, causing us panic attacks or dis-ease in the body.
Anxiety is actually perfectly natural and useful in some circumstances when we need to find drive and strength for example, anxiety comes first. It’s really about how you manage it.


Sometimes we can lose focus in life just when we need some clarity or we just can’t seem to find a way forwards in a particular situation. This can be hugely frustrating and challenge our beliefs in what we are doing , our abilities, our decision making and leave us feeling completely confuddled. Come and have some directed sessions to allow you to hone in on what it is you want, personally or in business, in alignment with your personality, modalities and real inner desires.

Confidence/Self Belief

Self belief is what we believe to be true about ourselves with regards to everything in our lives including work, relationships and our own abilities. However sometimes this belief can become misaligned and negative due to external influences or even events from the past derailing our thoughts leaving our confidence low and affecting how we interact in the world. Learn skills to let go of the negativity and ignite that inner flame of confidence again.

Exam/ Public Speaking/ Test Stress

Making that speech or presenting to a group of people doesn’t have to be daunting for you at all. Come and learn how to really squash those nerves, get rid of limiting beliefs and allow yourself to excel when you really choose to.
Don’t let your negative emotions derail your chance of promotion or to give a heartfelt account of someone else’s life. Give yourself the gift of inner confidence when you are out of your comfort zone.

One to One Weight Management

Losing weight can seem like an uphill battle and a minefield of calories, mindset and exercise. Let me take the stress out of those areas with my bespoke approach, giving you a dedicated 1 : 1 approach over several months and at times to suit you.
Alternatively you can give my 4 week reset a go, giving you skills to use for the rest of your life, changing your mindset . This is a fully online course with access to guided support from myself to help keep you on track as you mindfully work througn the plan.

Overcome Phobias & Fears

Spiders, flying in a plane, frogs, snakes, rats, water, heights, blood and even cotton wool. I am sure I haven’t heard them all yet!!
Is a fear or phobia interrupting your life? Maybe you need to take a trip and you are scared of the flight or maybe a trip abroad is bringing up fears of spiders or bugs? Maybe your fear is of something really unconventional? Don’t let them hold you back. Take control of your emotions around anything that isn’t allowing you to live your life the way you want to.

Stress Relief

Stress is one of the leading causes of illness and relationship issues and can be caused by so many things in our lives from events in life, work, other people, the expectations we put on ourselves, finances and other things that are individual to you. In the fast paced world that we live in today is it any wonder that we find ourselves ill from dis-ease and popping pills for short term gain so we can climb straight back on that hamster wheel again, only to encounter more stress, take stronger pills and risk complete burnout. Come and find some peace within yourself and learn strategies to ease the overwhelm and quell the stress you are feeling that can be used now and any time in the future.

Pure Bliss – Relaxation

A beautiful 90 mins of pure ‘me time’ where you can fully relax your mind and body and escape the busyness of everyday life.
We start with a brief consultation about your mind and body and if there is anything you would like to achieve apart from complete relaxation. Then a beautiful blend of oil is chosen or a bespoke blend is made to help with any specific issues you may have. I will leave you for a few moments to get changed into a soft, towelling robe and then the seated massage is given whilst a beautiful slideshow of nature and soothing soundtrack is played. Finally you are transported to a place of pure tranquility as you lay on the bed and a guided meditation is read with your own aim and personality in mind.

Relief from Anger

Ever been in that situation where you just can’t seem to hold your temper and the outburst that follows is just epic or maybe anger is an every day occurrence and is seemingly taking over your life. When dealing with people or situations it is much better for everyone if you can approach it with a calm and in control disposition for the best outcome.
Retraining that ‘knee jerk’ anger response can be really tough on your own but there is no need when I can teach you how the brain works and how to hack into the calmness you need in any given situation. Learn your triggers and why they are having this huge effect on you. Learn how to calm, not fan the flames of anger in yourself and others and learn to take control again.


benefits & outcomes